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Let’s Talk…Rekindling Romance

Romance never stops. Photo by Butterfly Kiss PortraitsRekindling romance with your spouse or significant other is an ongoing process, from your first date to a 50 year marriage.   It was a simple act. Really. I didn’t plan to offer this token act of love, a simple task …

Israel, Visit to the Holy Land

A few years ago, I embarked on a once in a lifetime journey to Israel, the Holy Land. Growing up in the Bible Belt of Iowa, the legendary “land of milk and honey” was discussed often as a faraway land, …

So much to do and see on your travels to New Zealand, includng the Wellington Harbour.

Travels to New Zealand

Most travelers put New Zealand on their bucket list, and I’m no different. There’s so much to see and do — from ancient Kauri forests, rugged coastlines and the traditions of the Maori on your Travels to New Zealand.…

Costa Rica

Costa Rica and San Salvador

Costa RicaJust over a year ago, I visited the Guanacaste side of Costa Rica, my 2nd visit to the country, for the Grand Opening of the Riu Guanacaste. That trip was a whirlwind of adventures ranging from wildlife viewing to …

Journey at Lone Cabbage Fish Camp

Orlando, Florida Adventure

Journey at Lone Cabbage Fish CampPlease welcome my 10 year-old niece Journey (yes—that’s her real name!) as a guest blogger this week. She recently traveled with me to Orlando for a series of firsts. Since she wants to be a writer, I thought I’d …

Family Friendly Golden, Colorado Buffalo Bill’s Days

Baby blue cotton candy, corn dogs swirled in mustard, fresh popped popcorn, twirling merry-go-rounds, chatter of carnies, cheers of crowds during demolition derby. Smell of 4H livestock – which I call the “smell of money.” Summer is the best time …

Motorcycle Road Trip: Telluride, Colorado

Colorado is all about the outdoors. Pick a season, any season, and you’ll find plenty to do including some amazing motorcycle road trips. Telluride was in for a treat, when two of my best (and hottest!) biker mamas agreed to …


Winter Wonderlands of Yellowstone National Park

Always on my bucket list, Yellowstone National Park is one of those iconic Americana destinations. We’re talking Old West fun — where the buffalo roam, scenery laden road trips, and not to forget Old Faithful. But Yellowstone National Park in …