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Simple Skin Care Routine Steps

With these simple skin care routine steps, protect your skin and prevent further damage.

Everyday life takes its toll on your skin. Over time, your skin becomes damaged by factors such as the harsh UV rays, acne scars, irritating chemicals, and bad habits like smoking. Moreover, your skin loses its elasticity and suppleness as you age, resulting in wrinkles. With these simple skin care routine steps, protect your skin and prevent further damage.

With these simple skin care routine steps, protect your skin and prevent further damage.
With these simple skin care routine steps, protect your skin and prevent further damage.

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Simple Skin Care Routine Steps

Skin care routines can take time, be complicated and expensive, so most will give up before really seeing any progress.  And those of us of a certain age (uh-hum), struggle even more so. Here are a few simple skin care routine steps to protect your skin and prevent further damage, keeping it soft, radiant, and hydrated.

TIP: One of the most basic skincare routines is to include daily Activated You Essential Skin Food, a dietary supplement designed for individuals who want to enhance their skin appearance.

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Understand Your Skin Type

simple skin care routine steps to protect your skin and prevent further damage, keeping it soft, radiant, and hydrated. #skincareroutinesteps #skincareroutines #skincare

Before you can properly protect your skin, you need to understand the type of skin you have. Generally, there are four skin types: oily, combination, sensitive, and dry.

If you frequently experience tightness or peeling, you have a drier skin type. If you notice some areas of oily skin on your face, and other areas dry, you likely have combination skin. Oil on your nose and cheeks indicates oily skin. Sensitive skin often turns red or burns when you use certain products.

Once you understand your type, you can figure out a skin routine that works for you. A daily skin regiment should at least contain products that clean and moisturize your skin, but if you have the time, develop a more thorough skin care routine to looking fresh and pretty.

Cleanser/Face Wash

Portrait of beautiful woman with white foam mask on face, touches cheeks, enjoys softness of skin after beauty treatments.
Portrait of beautiful woman with white foam mask on face, touches cheeks, enjoys softness of skin after beauty treatments.

Choose a lighter option that doesn’t dry out your face, especially if you have dry skin.

Regular drugstore soaps, which have chemical ingredients and questionable formulas can wreck skin by changing its pH levels leaving it dry, and stripping away vital oils.

The good news is, there are many soap alternatives for cleansing the skin without negatively affecting its protective layers like jojoba oil face washes and organic goat milk soaps. Goat milk is incredibly beneficial for the skin because of gently dissolving excess oil and dead skin cells but nourishing and hydrating the skin all at the same time.


Vitamin C and peptide incorporated serums benefit your skin during the day while night creams should contain retinol (also known as Vitamin A).


Oily skin benefits from a light grease-free moisturizer while dry skin works better with oil-based moisturizers.


Protects your skin from the sun’s UV rays and should be used regardless of your skin type or color.

Drink Lots of Water

Stay healthy while traveling, by bringing your own water bootle
Stay healthy while traveling, by bringing your own water bottle. Photo: Pixabay

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep your skin hydrated and circulates nutrients through your body. In addition, the skin benefits of staying hydrated include:

  • Flushes Out Toxins From Your Body– Drinking adequate water flushes out waste from your body and keeps pimples at bay and improves your digestive system’s functioning.
  • Regulates Your Skin’s pH Balance– pH level refers to how acidic your skin is on a scale of one to 14. Fourteen means that your skin is at a high acidic level, and drinking water can reduce it down to an average pH of 5.5 to keep your skin healthy.

Take Precaution on Sunny Days

Applying and re-applying sunscreen is one of the vital healthy skin care routine steps
Applying and re-applying sunscreen is one of the vital healthy skin care routine steps. Photo Pixabay

The sun’s harmful UV rays still loom even on cloudy days, so don’t skip out on sunscreen just because you don’t feel the sun’s intensity.

  • Don’t forget to wear and reapply sunscreen every few hours.
  • Wear dark-colored (poor heat-absorbers) long-sleeved tops and pants if you run out of sunscreen.
  • Be wary around sand and water because the surfaces reflect sun rays and damage your skin.

Add Toner to Your Daily Skin Routine

Many people don’t realize how vital a toner is and often skip a significant step. A skin toner can absorb any liquid left after cleansing, and cleans pores, removes traces of makeup, and regulates your skin’s pH level. It clears out your pores and prepares your skin for moisturizer so that it doesn’t clog your pores and works as it should.

Take Vitamin E Capsules

Vitamin E capsules can make a great addition to your skincare habits because they help moisturize your skin. You can consume them directly or break them and add them to your creams or serums. Besides moisturizing your skin, vitamin E can also prevent wrinkles and lightens scars close to the surface.

Use Collagen Supplements

Collagen, a fibrous protein, is a significant component of skin. While the body produced it naturally, its synthesis slows down as you age, contributing to wrinkles and skin damage.  Learn more about collagen supplements online and find out how they work to keep your skin supple and healthy.

Add Antioxidant-Rich Foods to Your Diet

Antioxidants include vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, that protect your skin from radicals. These radicals are elements that damage skin outside of the body, such as smoking, pollution, and chemicals. There are plenty of antioxidant-rich foods you can add to your diet to enhance your skin naturally.

Take Care of Your Skin From the Inside Out

Simple skin care routine steps and a healthy diet will keep you healthy from inside and out. Also, make sure to get plenty of sleep and exercise to keep your body functioning normally and circulating nutrients throughout your body as needed.

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