Colorado and New Mexico Motorcycle Road trip is perhaps the best way to discover the back roads, small towns, and friendly people of these states. For the first 3 days, we rode with about 30 friends to Florence for the August weekend. Then for the next 8 days, three Harley-Davidson motorcycles, four of us — me, my husband and another couple — leathered up and pulled on our motorcycle boots for a 1,400 mile road trip.

More details coming in future blogs and articles, but here’s a teaser of our itinerary and ride:
First Stop: Florence, Colorado
Table of Contents
- Florence, Colorado for 2 nights for the annual St. Jude’s Hospital 100-mile ride, sponsored by Fremont Motorsports.(Thanks to Fremont Motorsports for coming to the rescue and replacing my Harley Cross Bones back tire.)
Our motorcycle ride included a scoot from Florence to Silver Cliffs, Colorado.
Questa, New Mexico
En route to Taos, we stopped in Questa, New Mexico at Tewa Lounge, a local watering hole, owned by the very welcoming owner Berna. About 5 minutes after we parked our motorcycles, her cousin Roy rode up in this ’42 Harley-Davidson — and bought us all a round. And then we bought the bar a round…and so on. While we waited out the rain.
Taos, New Mexico:
We spent 2 nights at the Historic Taos Inn and exploring downtown shops and restaurants — and, of course, the opportunity to ride the Enchanted Circle Drive.

Pagosa Springs, Colorado:
We hunkered down one night at the High Country Lodge in Pagosa Springs. Also sampled brews from two of their three brewpubs: Pagosa Brewing Company and the newest Wolfe Brewing Company.

Durango, Colorado, Step into the Old West
We couldn’t miss a stop in Durango, Colorado. We spent two nights at the historic Strater Hotel, exploring downtown Durango, from shopping to dining at Chimayo.

The Million Dollar Highway & Silverton, Colorado
Of course, we had to ride the Million Dollar Highway (more on that later)! A must-stop is the Old West Colorado historic mining town, Silverton.

Redstone, Colorado
This lovely mountain town of Redstone, Colorado has become one of our favorite getaways. We spent one night at this lovely mountain town at the Redstone Cliffs Lodge, located on the trout-laden Crystal River near McClure Pass. We also walked to the adjacent Crystal Cafe to say hi to the owners Kim and Billy — and chow down on Billy’s amazing ribs. (But really sad Kim was out of her famous Pistachio Cake!)

Return home through Carbondale, Aspen, over Independence Pass!

Stop back again soon for more snippets of this motorcycle road trip in Colorado and New Mexico.