Everyone looks forward to going on a holiday, but taking the family can quickly add a few hiccups to the family vacation. Perhaps it’s because we have to spend so much time together that we end up driving each other a bit crazy – or perhaps it’s the age gap that causes problems. No matter who you travel with, read on for simple tips to planning a peaceful family vacation from our guest author.
2 Tips to Planning a Peaceful Family Vacation
Table of Contents
1. Let everyone be a part of the planning process.
2. Remember that it’s all right to do different things.
The more family members in the vacation, with tight quarters and sometimes less-than-perfect experiences (because travel is not perfect), the more stressful the vacation can be. It’s just not possible that everyone agrees 100% on everything — that’s not human nature, and certainly not my family!
Here are a handful of excellent tips to make sure everyone keeps their cool while trying to have a nice time together. Keep these tips in mind and you might be able to look even more forward to the next trip you take together.
1. Let everyone be a part of the planning process.

If you’re the one who usually plans the family holidays, it can be difficult to let go of that sense of control. You know about all the best places and have done this a hundred times before, so wouldn’t it just mess things up if other people were to take over the steering wheel of family vacation planning?
While you may encounter a few more problems when you’re not fully in charge, you could also end up avoiding a lot of other conflicts. When your other family members have a say and you all manage to listen to each other’s wishes, nobody will end up feeling resentful or left out of the planning.
This is, of course, the best way to start off your family vacation – and you can still make sure that everyone gets their way, in the end. Just allow each family member to voice their wishes and take it into account.
Make a list of where you’d like to go and pass it around so that everyone is able to consider it. Start by having a look at Baymont By Wyndham Fort Morgan, for example, and see if you’re able to come to an agreement.
2. Remember that it’s all right to do different things.

It’s not always that easy to accommodate to everyone’s wishes when going together on a holiday, though, as you have a limited amount of time to work on. Keep in mind that certain members of the family would like to do different thing sometimes — and that’s all right!
If you want to trek far up into the mountains at the crack of dawn but one or two would like to sleep in, this should be alright – and, when everyone got to do what they wanted to, you’ll be much less likely to get irritated with each other.
When one family member chose where to stay, then allow somebody else to choose activities.
When it comes to family vacations, it’s really all about compromises and learning to have a good time without being in control all the time. It is a vacation, after all, and it should feel like one.