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Retiring Soon? Tips on Retirement Planning for the Best Golden Years

Are you preparing for that magical phase of life known as retirement? Everyone dreams of the time they can punch the figurative time clock one last time. Retirement can also cause some uncertainty. People wonder what they will do with themselves and if they can truly afford to retire. For those retiring soon, read on for our 3 simples tips on retirement planning.

Does your retirement goals include traveling? Read our 3 simple tips for retirement planning.
Does your retirement goals include traveling? Read our 3 simple tips for retirement planning. Photo: Pixabay

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Retiring Soon? 4 Simple Tips on Retirement Planning 

Whether you are looking forward to retirement in the next several years, or it is just around the corner, you may need some ideas about how to proceed.

Ask yourself where would you like to retire? Maybe you’d like to stay in the same area you already live in. Or perhaps you’d like to move to another state with a smaller population, lower crime rate, and more outdoor options?

Whether you want to consider retiring in Utah, Oklahoma, or Wisconsin, here are 4 simple tips on retirement planning to help you make the most of your golden years without worry or stress.

Here are 4 simple tips on retirement planning to help you make the most of your golden years without worry or stress.

Downsize Your Home

Many retirees choose to downsize their home as one of their tips for retirement planning.
Many retirees choose to downsize their homes as one of their tips for retirement planning. Photo: Pixabay

Once the nest has emptied and you have worked your final day, you may feel ready to leave your larger home behind. Take a look at some common reasons retirees downsize:

  • Freeing up cash to travel
  • Relieving retirees from repair and renovation responsibilities
  • Allowing for easier mobility without stairs and a larger space to cover
  • Eliminating worries for adult children in terms of health and safety of parents

Spend More Time With Family

On our epic road trip to New Mexico (all road trips), we always stop at the state line signs for multigenerational family photos.
On our epic road trip to New Mexico (all road trips), we always stop at the state line signs for multigenerational family photos.

Many people who work hard all throughout their adult lives sacrifice valuable family time. While it is necessary to provide, many retirees feel thrilled to know they can spend more quality time with adult children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

If you have family whom you may have missed spending quality time with, this should be on the top of the list of your tips on retirement planning.

Your Golden Years are your opportunity to catch up in some of the following ways:

  • Attend school functions such as plays, concerts, sporting activities and graduation ceremonies
  • Take younger family members to the zoo, museum and sports events
  • Offer to babysit younger grandchildren to provide them with present and loving family members while their parents work
  • Help with education by working with them on special projects, quizzing them on upcoming exams and reading to them

As for your adult children, make time to meet for lunch more often, play a sport together or anything that gives you more time to enjoy each other’s company.

Cruise Smoothly Through Retirement in Your Dream RV

Many retirees inveset in an RV, and with these tips on retirement planning, you can too.
Many retirees invest in an RV, and with these tips on retirement planning, you can too. Photo: Shutterstock

After retirement, many retirees invest in an RV. Whether they do so as a permanent living condition or to travel the country in comfort, it is a popular and growing trend.

Explore a few reasons you may choose to head out on the open road:

  • See the country on your terms and in your own time
  • Take weekend camping and fishing trips in comfort
  • Escape cold weather in the winter
  • Take part in seasonal work around the country

Need an RV for your next family adventure? Save up to 25% off your travel cost by renting one from RVshare

No matter what your reason for investing in an RV, it is important for that you embark on this adventure prepared by making sure you have emergency funds readily available at any time.

With credit cards like the USAA credit card, you can quickly and easily attend to any RV-related emergency. Here are a few ways that a USAA credit card can help you travel with ease, comfort, and security:

  • Enjoy low-interest rates
  • Earn 1.5 percent cash back on all purchases
  • Redeem earned points at any time via mobile device or computer
  • Use anywhere VISA is accepted

Get Ready to Enjoy Life Outside the Workplace

Retiring soon? Read our simple tips on retirement planning to Make Your Golden Years Your Best Yet. #tipsonretirement #retirementplanning #retirementtravel #rvshare

Many people feel uneasy at the prospect of leaving the workplace, but with some solid planning, it can truly turn into your golden years. Take some time to decide the right steps and path for you to make the most of this well-earned time.

Whether you want to pack up the large house and hit the open road in your RV, or you simply want to spend more time with loved ones, it is yours to enjoy with a good retirement strategy.