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5 Essential Tips for Staying Safe on Holiday

Holidays are a great fun – but it’s important not to let yourself become complacent. While you’re probably going to stay out of harm’s way on your travels, these five essential tips for staying safe on holiday should go a long way to ensuring you’re not put in immediate danger. This collaborative post takes a look at how to stay safe when you next travel.

Travel can be exciting - and scary at the same time. consider these 5 Tips for Staying Safe on Holiday. Photo by Pixabay.
Travel can be exciting – and scary at the same time. Consider these 5 Tips for Staying Safe on Holiday. Photo by Pixabay.

Tips for Staying Safe on Holiday

Travel can be exhilarating but also scary at times. When traveling out of town for your next vacation, the last thing you want to do is worry about your safety.  Whether traveling solo or traveling with your family, it’s important to think ahead for any possible travel issues and consider contingency plans before traveling  Consider these 5 essential tips for staying safe on holiday.

1. Plan ahead

More often than not,  your planned vacation will proceed smoothly, but it never hurts to have a contingency plan in place should something go wrong. This is especially true of families who are worried about younger children going missing. As Parents Magazine points out, it makes sense to have a rendezvous point ready should this happen

Make sure it’s a spot which is both easily recognizable and easy to find at all times. As well as this, it’s also good to tell a child what kinds of steps they need to take in the event of something like this happening.

2. Know your limits

5 essential Tips for Staying Safe on Holiday include Challenge yourself, but know your physical limitations.
Challenge yourself, but know your physical limitations when traveling, in order to stay safe on holiday. Photo credit: Pixabay

If you’re on a holiday which involves a lot of activity, make sure to put a cap on how much you’re doing. Don’t feel comfortable with abseiling down a cliff face? Don’t do it. Unsure of your abilities while skiing? Steer clear.

As TINZ highlights, it costs as much as $120,000 for a helicopter to come and pick you up from the Bavarian Alps. Travel insurance is naturally a plus, but it won’t always cover you in every circumstance. If you’re uncomfortable with the challenge or the situation, don’t run the risk in the first place.

3. Keep alcohol intake down

Safety tips while traveling include enjoy your alcoholic beverages, but don't overdo it
Safety tips while traveling include enjoy your alcoholic beverages, but don’t overdo it. Image by Pixabay

Having a drink is always nice on holiday – but don’t overdo it. As most people discover by the time they reach their twenties, drinking alcohol tends to make you susceptible to making bad choices and misreading situations.

Likewise, if you see someone else acting up because of what they’ve had to drink, make sure you stay away from them. Even if you’re in a foreign country and they’re speaking your language, it’s safer to steer clear if they seem rowdy.

4. Watch out for scams

Beware of pickpocekts and scams 1 of 5 Essential Tips for Staying Safe on Holiday
Beware of pickpockets and scams when traveling. Photo by Pixabay.

If you’re on the streets and a large group of children come up asking for money, there’s a good chance they’re part of a gang of pickpockets. While these types of individuals sound like something out of a Dickensian story, they do still exist in modern life.

The ploy usually works with one child coming up and begging for money, as another stealthily sneaks up behind you and lifts something out of your pocket. While the children aren’t to blame for this crime, it’s still worth being wary and giving them as much space as possible.

5. Keep people updated

If share your itinerary with family and friends, there’s a much greater chance of someone being able to turn up and “rescue” you. It’s important people know roughly where you’re headed, as it means they can search that area if you fall out of contact with them. It also provides a rough timeframe for how long you should be away.

Remember to keep these 5 essential tips for staying safe on holiday when it comes to your next adventure. Staying safe should always be at the forefront of your mind.

Did we miss any other safety tips? Please share below in the comments.

5 Essential Tips for Staying Safe on Holiday
Photo credit: Pixabay