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3 Best Jet Lag Tips

These 3 simple tips will help the traveler get Over Jet Lag Faster.

Travel opens the mind to more possibilities than you could have ever imagined, but to get to all those destinations, the journey often includes exhausting hours on a plane and in airports.  With all those miles in the air, the one thing that really hits travelers hard on those long-haul flights is the jet lag. Read on for these 3 jet lag tips — to get over jet lag fast and enjoy your vacation.
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3 Simple Jet Lag Tips

Traveling is one of the best things you will ever do. It usually writes off a day or two of the holiday, and definitely hits us even harder when we get home. Since getting on a plane is a necessity when it comes to traveling, you need to try and find a way of combating jet lag sooner rather than later to make sure you get the most out of your holiday. Read on as our guest author offers their 3 best jet lag tips.

1. Consider Flight Times

1 of 3 best tips to Get Over Jet Lag Fast is to consider flight times
1 of 3 best tips to Get Over Jet Lag Fast is to consider flight times. Photo: Pixabay

We’re all for getting a bargain, but this can often lead to insane flight times and layovers. If you take off when it’s morning your time zone, and land when it is morning in another country, even though you’ve been on a plane for 10 hours, you’re really going to start screwing with your body clock.

To solve this, you need to splash that cash and pay a little bit extra for the flight time that is going to set you upright. Try and land at your destination when it is their afternoon while it would be your night time. It leaves you with only a few hours before you can go to bed and allows you to wake up at a reasonable time in your new time zone. Two nights sleep with this schedule will allow you to transition to the new destination’s time zone.

Plus it’ll allow you to explore on the night you land, get a good sleep, and be rested and ready for tomorrow.

2. Refuel and Refresh Your Body

Refuel and refresh, 1 of 3 simple tips to get over jet lag fast.
Refuel and refresh, 1 of 3 simple tips to get over jet lag fast. Photo: Pixabay

Just like with a plane, you need to refuel yourself to make sure you’re feeling as refreshed as possible. First and foremost: make sure you’re staying as hydrated as possible. Air travel dries out your skin and literally zaps the moisture out of you. Drinking plenty of water is the first step in making sure you feel partially refreshed when you wake up.

Then consider the things that can give you a nice healthy boost of energy. Travel oxygen is something a lot of you won’t have heard about, but it really does revitalize you naturally like nothing else can. The oxygen levels during a flight are tampered with as well, which only adds to the effect of your jet lag. This little boost is bound to help you feel a bit more alive.

Finish off by refreshing your body with a good healthy meal including fruits and vegetables when possible. Eating healthy while traveling will alleviate jet lag and leave you feeling as good as new. It might be tempting to rush for that fast food meal, but resist as much as you can!

3. Upgrade Your Flight

Tips to Get Over Jet Lag Fast -- upgrade so you can feel more rested when landing at your destination.
Tips to Get Over Jet Lag Fast — upgrade so you can feel more rested when landing at your destination. Photo: American Airlines

One of the main reasons why jet lag hits us so hard is the difficulty to get comfortable and sleep on a plane. Part of the problem is that we’re sitting upright uncomfortably so for hours on end. So what’s the solution here? Upgrading. Yes, it does cost a bit more, but consider the value. You’ve already doled out a lot of money booking your vacation.  Why jeopardize all that precious time and money by being jet-lagged?

Truly an upgrade, even if just extended legroom, gives you the comfort you need to be able to relax and to possibly have a little sleep on the plane.

3 best tips to get over Jet Lag