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Updated Privacy Policy & GDPR Compliance

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Thank you for following our journey here at TravelingInHeels. We recognize that every time you log on to our website, you put your trust in us that your data is safe and used for legitimate purposes. That’s why we want to be open with you about your data, how we collect and use it, and what rights you have to control it.  Please read on for an abbreviated updated privacy policy & GDPR compliance.
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Nothing about the site or newsletter is changing – we simply want to make absolutely certain that you understand how we manage your personal data.

If you choose to continue to receive our weekly newsletters (and we hope that you will!), there’s nothing required for you to do. We’ll keep sending the best travel news and information that you already get.

If you choose to stop receiving our emails, simply click unsubscribe at the bottom of any email sent or complete our Contact form. No hard feelings and we wish you well on all of your future travels.

More about the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation

On May 25, 2018 a new European Union (EU) data protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), takes effect. The GDPR gives individuals in the EU more control over how their personal data is used, and places certain obligations on businesses that process that data.  These new regulations will impact any business that handles the personal data of EU consumers and will include companies across the world – even if those organizations themselves are not based in the European Union.

Therefore, we’ve updated our Privacy Policy to give you a clearer, more direct understanding of what we do with your data. While the use of your data through our site isn’t changing, we wanted to be more transparent on how we collect and use it; and also to give you a clearer and more precise explanation about your choices and the control you have.

Please read our updated Privacy Policy in full and feel free to contact us with any questions.Thanks!

The TravelingInHeels Team